The development of a new Riverine City is defined by the careful treatment of the existing ecosystem and the understanding of complex hydraulic logics. The management of the flood and the respect to the ecology of the site shapes the future development of this area.
The strategy for the development of the Riverine City is a reinterpretation of the historic development in the floodplain. The berms show a ‘pier’ logic that was used for the development of the area along the streets Otamendi and Iriarte. There are some similitudes and many improvements in the approach to the riverside development.


– Perpendicular to highway and river
– On low ground
– Without drainage
– Interfering with the riparian protected forest
– Public space is not considered
– Perpendicular to highway and river
– On top of berms
– Drainage system integrated
– Without interfering with the riparian protected forest
– Parks and public space are integrated with the developments and incorporate flood by sudestada to the public space