After completing a transversal analysis of the city, a diagnosis is elaborated by overlaying the mapped information. The result is the proposal of a strategic vision for a global understanding of the future of the city…
The improvement of water quality and the relation of citizenship with water courses serve as starting point to create a new system of public green spaces. The relation between the vegetation system and the hydrological system, the reorganization of the mobility system and consideration of a future careful development in the riverside composes a global vision for the city of Quilmes.
All water courses in the city of Quilmes are understood as a unique hydrological system. The improvement of water quality and a new approach towards floods creates a new understanding of public space as a shared space between people and water.
The strong relationship between water and green spaces weaves a network of high quality public spaces in the entire city of Quilmes. Through a system of green corridors a green grid is created from the riverside up to the arroyos.
In the riverside, two different types of parks are considered. A natural park in the edge of La Plata River and an urban park related to future developments and management of floods.
Traffic hierarchies are rebalanced favoring a new grid of main roads. This ‘superblock’ grid leaves inner streets with less traffic and easy access for neighbors.
A secondary grid of slow mobility corridors appears following the green grid and connecting open spaces. New roads are built in the riverside giving access to private developments and drawing a system of roads and paths that are used as flooding management.